We are beyond speechless to have been chosen to be a part of such an AWESOME group of kindergarten teachers who share their thoughts and ideas through blogging! Thank you Donna, from kinderglynn for letting us know about such an honor! We truly feel privileged to be able to say that we were even put in the same group as the other blogs that were given the award. We look up to those of you who design and write those blogs. You all have been our inspirations! Thank you, California Teaching Credential!!
Jumat, 27 Mei 2011
2010-2011 School Year.....DONE!
Well yesterday was out last day with our students! They are officially 1st graders now! I can't believe the year is over! It really has flown by! At the beginning of the school year we had our children write their name below the sentence "This is how I write my name on the first day of kindergarten". Then they drew a self-portrait. Last week on day 175 we had them write their name again at the end of this sentence "This is how I write my name on the 175th day of kindergarten" and they again drew a self- portrait! WOW! It was amazing to see how they had grown in their handwriting as well as their drawings! We did not have arms coming out of our heads or legs coming straight out of our necks!!!!!! We also weighed and measured our children at the beginning of the year and took their picture. Yesterday we weighed and measured them again and took new pictures! We could not believe the changes! When you see your children daily, their physical growth sometimes goes unnoticed! Some children lost weight as they grew taller and some gained weight and height! Most of all, we noticed how most of them did not look like babies anymore but young children! Bittersweet! We sent the pictures with their height and weight home to parents as well as the handwriting and drawing activity! We hope each will take the time reflect on just how precious these children are and how fast they grow up! To all of our new first graders....we hope you stay as carefree, silly, and happy as you were in the short time you shared with us! We love each of you so much!
Mrs. Hutter and Mrs. Wildman
Mrs. Hutter and Mrs. Wildman
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
Teachers Pay Teachers Store OPEN
I have just opened my store on Teachers Pay Teachers! YEAH!!! I only have 2 things posted rightnow but am working on a few things to start the new school year! Please check my store often by clicking on the Teachers Pay Teachers badge to the right! Happy Shopping!
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
Room Mom Gifts
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
Count Your Blessings

We live about 20 miles south of Birmingham. Our area was not hit. Shelby County schools were let out at noon on the day of the storms. Families in this area spent most of the afternoon and evening in their safe places glued to radios and televisions. Now, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, children, etc. are trying to pick up the pieces and salvage even the smallest trinket that they can find among what looks like toothpicks but is really their beloved homes.
The outpouring of love and support is the one bright spot in this tragedy. People from all over the country have come together to help people dig through rubble, get much needed supplies, and find places to sleep. Can you imagine what it would be like to not even own a toothbrush anymore? I know I can't! But, this is exactly what thousands of people are going through right now.
Our school is doing a "Fill My Bucket" project. One of our teachers got "Home Depot" to donate enough 5 gallon buckets for each class. The students are bringing in supplies to send to these people in need. Many organizations are filling 18 wheelers with everything from diapers to work gloves. Some of our stores are out of or running low on bottled water and the such. Which is WONDERFUL! Facebook is full of opportunities to volunteer. Tickers are going across the bottom of the tv with information on where to take your donations, locations of shelters, and the like. It does your heart good to see everyone pitch it!
So, when you eat your dinner tonight, brush your teeth, and snuggle into your warm comfy bed, count your blessings, even the smallest ones! HUGS TO EVERYONE!!
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