Rabu, 23 November 2011

Roll a Santa

In preparing for Christmas themed math stations, I stumbled upon this super cute number sense activity at www.makinglearningfun.com.  I have used many different versions of "roll a something" in math stations before and I have found that sometimes the students have a hard time drawing the picture to go along with the activity.  So, I came up with the idea to make the parts for the picture and have the students put them together like a puzzle instead of drawing them.  
I took the directions for the activity from the website and enlarged the picture of Santa on our trusty copier at school.  Then I cut the picture apart making sure I had each part of Santa that a number on the die represents and used it as a template.  I cut parts from the appropriate color of construction paper.  I added a flesh color face to attach the eyes to.  
I made enough pieces to make eight Santas because 4 sets of student partners will be in this math station at a time (remember, we have 40 students in our class...).  I laminated the pieces so I won't have to make this again next year.  When the students put the pieces together, the cute little Santa looks like this:
I am looking forward to seeing the students roll the die and put their Santa puzzles together according to the number they roll!  Ho! Ho! Ho!